My 13 Favorite Noadz (part II)

4 min readAug 30, 2022


These Noadz receive an “Honorable Mention”—I own the Jello & Scroll Noadz so they weren’t included. #biased

A number of months ago I wrote a Medium post titled “My 13 Favorite Noadz (part I),” which was written at the halfway point in the collection. Being as the Noadz collection is completed (for the most part, I think?) here’s part II!

13) Laptop (#363)


From the blue screen of death to the loading bar booting up the computer, this Noadz perfectly encapsulates what the PC experience was like. It’s also great how the Noadz’s glasses are built into the PC — ie they’re gone once the computer screen turns off.

12) Broom (#316)


Talk about a great tag team! The head of Noadz #316 jumping up so that its body can do some sweeping makes for an excellent tandem.

Unrelated: here’s another combination of #316 and a broom.

11) Tennis Ball (#398)


Think fast! It almost feels as if the tennis ball is about to head directly through the screen before it bounces back into place. Super cool visual.

10) Comb (#405)


“Uch gross, get that hair out of here!” — is what this annoyed Noadz is thinking as it wipes away the stray hair caught in the comb.

9) Gumball (#320 & #320.5)


From top (gumballs) to bottom (gumballs), this Noadz is super cool — especially how its eyes rotate as the gumballs are being emptied out. I also love how BTCBob’s son insists upon seeing these two Noadz every night before going to sleep.

8) Soda (#361)


As a lifetime soda drinker (unfortunately), I can absolutely relate to the imagery of a Soda can being shaken up before exploding.

An added bonus: it’s reminiscent of a classic Simpsons scene!

7) Sloth (#238)


“They call me the Sloth!” I mean, anytime a Noadz evokes memories of a classic Phish song it makes my list. Beyond that, I also love the boredom and disinterest that this Noadz’s half open eyes convey.

6) Pillow (#381)


Pillow Noadz shows up => Pillow Noadz gets tired => Pillow Noadz pulls up the covers => Pillow Noadz catches some z’s. 😴😴😴 #nuffsaid

5) High Heel (#388)


I laugh almost every time I see this Noadz’s eyes wince as the foot smushes the rest of its body.

4) Etch A Sketch (#287)


I love the attention to detail for this Noadz — specifically how each knob independently moves to spell out “WAGMI.”

3) Water Ring Toss (#289)


What a throwback to childhood! Until I saw this Noadz, I literally hadn’t thought of this toy in years. I love the look of contentment this Noadz has when all of its colors are all lined up correctly.

Anyone else have this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one?

2) Pencil (#273)


This is a brilliantly constructed Noadz. Not only is there an eraser for the Noadz’s feet, but like regular pencils there’s even that little green metal eraser thingy holding its eraser feet in place! This attention to detail is what makes Noadz truly special.

I also love how it writes “GM” on looseleaf paper and subsequently jumps up to erase it.

1) Messages (#302)


This is by far my favorite Noadz in the entire collection. It’s perfect. I mean, to make the red notification icon serve as a fly and have this Noadz eat it? Sheer genius. This Noadz perfectly epitomizes how one can take an existing cc0 project and — through their own originality and creativity—give it such a unique touch that they completely transform it to be their own.

Amazing stuff, Ser Noadz!



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