My 7 Favorite (non-1/1) MoonQuacks

3 min readMay 24, 2022


The 1/1 MoonQuacks (8 total)

I love lists, rankings, and rarities. Therefore upon recently learning about MoonQuacks, it was only natural that I combine these things and put together a list of my 7 favorite (non-1/1) MoonQuacks.

7) Cosmic Wasteland


The 3 rarest backgrounds that a MoonQuack can have are: Glitch Red(6), Cosmic Purple(6), and Ethereal Red(7). How rare are these backgrounds? Well, take a look at the number of the next rarest background.

Of these 19 total ultra-rare backgrounds, the Chromie Squiggs (41 total) is the rarest trait that can be found among them.

6) Laser Cats


Of the 15 Kitty Kats, only 2 Laser Cats exist. #1913 gets the nod over #2960, since Blue Lasers (32) are slightly rarer than Red Lasers (34).

5) Space Oddity


It could be the all white appearance which looks like a “real” astronaut, or the fact that this Quack almost looks like it doesn’t belong in the collection — but there’s just something about Quack #1748. There are only 23 Astronaut helmets and this one is certainly the most aesthetically pleasing.

4) Rihanna’s favorite Quack


Diamonds everywhere! There are only 41 Diamond Headgear Quacks and only 22 Diamond Necklace Quacks. But Quack #2690 is the only one that has both of these traits.

3) Don’t Stop Believin’


Of the 32 Anonymice hats, why does #1133 make the list? Simple. It’s the only Anonymice Quack that’s also sporting a Members Only jacket — which immediately triggers thoughts of “The Sopranos” final scene.

2) RoboToad


Combining two of the rarest traits in the collection, #1249 is definitely in the conversation for “Coolest MoonQuack.” There are only 24 Robots & 42 Gremplins, and this is the only Quack that has both of these traits.

1) Mrs. Potato Head


Here’s a Fun Fact: the #1 overall MoonQuack is currently listed for 8eth. Unrelated Fact: There are only 8 Potato Heads in the MoonQuack collection. Crazy Fact: outside of #82 listed for .75eth, the next available Potato Head is listed for 8.86eth.

Which means… that the Potato Head trait is (almost) more expensive to purchase than the #1 overall MoonQuack!



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